Epicor Customer Day 2019 in Warsaw – time for a summary!

24 May 2019

As usual in May, also this year, on May 22, Epicor Software Corporation in cooperation with its partners, including, among others, Todis Consulting, organized the Epicor Customer Day. The conference was held away from the tumult of the big city, in the charmingly situated Businessman Institute, on the outskirts of Warsaw.

Numerous of customers who have arrived at a full-day conference, had the opportunity to exchange experiences from using Epicor solutions, talk to consultants about the current use of the system and establish new business contacts during lunch. In addition, the experts presented the latest solutions and trends in the IT market. Both - the functionalities of the Epicor ERP system as well as the latest version of iScala 3.3 were presented.

The conference began with the presentation of Dirk Loehmann - Regional Vice President of Continental Europe at Epicor. Then, the participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Epicor ERP 10.2.400 system, which practical application and basic functions were showed during very interesting an interactive presentation held by Elżbieta Wiśniewska, a consultant at Todis. Moreover, Nina Domingo - Director of Product Management at Epicor presented the iScala system. Improvements to the latest version of the iScala 3.3 system - including reporting tools, solutions for production, planning, human resource management, product life cycle and development plans have been presented.

Also there was introduced the latest analytical tool - EDA, developed by Phocas in cooperation with Epicor Software. Thanks to the presented solution, companies can use and transform the information gathered in the systems into specific, visually attractive and useful in practical use reports.

The presentations of two other Todis consultants were also very popular. Sylwester Knez presented the recently very hot topic of financial statements in the JPK format, and the possibilities offered by the authorial solution of Todis Consulting in this regard - JPK_SF. Karol Statek summarized the year with the GDPR. It was also a very interesting part of the conference, containing information on the responses of both entrepreneurs and suppliers of business IT systems to the requirements of the GDPR regulation as well as conclusions and needs for the future. The presentation also included the functionalities of the iScala 3.3 system (and the earlier version - 3.2), which were implemented as a response to the needs of entrepreneurs caused by the  regulation. The conference ended with a presentation on technical and formal errors in JPK files.

We would like to thank all guests for participation at the conference. We hope that you have spent pleasant time with us, and the knowledge gained during the event will be helpful in everyday work with our solutions. We look forward to the next meeting with you.

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